It's official, says the Denver Post today: The Outdoor Retailer trade show — simply "OR" to us — is coming to Denver. Who to be more pleased than WildyX, the best independent outdoor retailer in the city! Here's what owner Don Bushey has to say:
"We located in Denver over eighteen years ago because no other city in North America has the wealth of world class outdoor recreational amenities like climbing and skiing so close to an urban center. While we have grown, we have watched this amazing city grow around us and become a nexus of the outdoor culture and recreational economy. We continue to be a city and state commited to conserving our wild places for generations to come in both spirit and policy. This is a lot more than just a trade show — it's a way of life for Coloradans and when industry, government and the people come together with these shared and timeless values, when we do the right thing in our stewardship of our public lands, the economic benefits follow."
That's the news. Here's the rest of the story: